07584 424245
01704 525115

Engineer Delivery Service

If you would prefer assistance unpacking and setting up your scooter or wheelchair you could choose our Engineer Delivery Service.

The engineer will call by appointment and take care of the heavy lifting. He will unpack, set up and demonstrate the product to make sure it is suitable for you.


Payment by Pay Credit/Debit card or BACS


T: 01704 525115
E: [email protected]

Address: 12 Ryder Crescent, Southport, Merseyside. PR8 3AE

Co. reg. no: 10398861 | VAT No: 251059721.


Travel Mobility are proud to be associated with NMO-UK. Neuromyelitis Optica is a serious disabling condition affecting the 
nervous system particularly the optic nerves and the spinal cord.
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